Wednesday, September 7, 2016

One Large Glass of Wine a Day Reduces Woman's Chance of Conceiving by 18% in a year

Experts believe that too much alcohol wine  interrupts the female natural cycle and may also damage the egg.

The results published in the BMJ show that women who had at least a 250ml glass a day – equivalent to 14 servings a week - were 18 per cent less likely to conceive over a year. But women who had slightly less - one to 13 servings - did not experience any reduction in conception chances.

Danish researchers studied 6,120 women from aged 21 to 45 who were trying to conceive, from June 2007 to January 2016. They all completed questionnaires on how often they had alcohol and exactly what they drank.

The researchers from Aarhus University Hospital in Denmark also found that spirits seemed to have a small effect on fertility.

Women who drank one measure a week were 11 per cent less likely to conceive while those who had two measures reduced their chances by 13 per cent.

Source& Read More: DailyMail

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