Friday, December 9, 2016

Trump Explains Why He Picked Wealthy Cabinet Memebers who have 'made a fortune'

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President-elect Donald Trump's Cabinet defended his selection of millionaires and billionaires to join his administration, likening his picks to rich athletes.

On the third leg of his "Thank You" tour Thursday in Des Moines, Iowa, Trump explained “I want people that made a fortune because now they’re negotiating with you. It’s not different than a great baseball payer or a great golfer," Trump said. 

“These people have given up fortunes of income in order to make $1 a year and they’re so proud to do it,” Trump said. "In filling my cabinet, I’m looking for people who fully understand the meaning of service and who are committed to advancing the common good. 

Trump nominated billionaire investor Wilbur Ross as his Commerce Secretary, Betsy Devos, a billionaire activist, as his Education Secretary, and Wall Street banker Steve Mnuchin as his Treasury Secretary.


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