Friday, June 10, 2016

EDUCATION: Why is it Important??

Education will pay huge rewards for the rest of your life.

With more education, you're more likely to get a job you like, earn more money, and be satisfied with your life.
Think the main reason to further your education is to earn more money? Well, that's a great start! A better quality of life is another reason.
Besides earning more money, people who complete higher education usually experience much greater freedom in their working life. They:
  • Can choose from a greater variety of careers
  • Get to use skills they enjoy
  • Have much more success at finding new jobs when needed
They are also more likely to own their home, have children and other family members who attend college, and be a role model in their communities. They are less likely to have serious struggles like long-term unemployment, poverty, and going to prison.
In this chart, see how earnings rise along with education levels, and how workers with less education experience more unemployment:

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